Looking to book a newborn photographer? Here are 7 questions to ask!

newborn portraits

1) what is your training?

Newborn photography is incredibly specialized and requires years of training to ensure safety for your baby. It is important to make sure that you are booking with someone who is knowledgeable in keeping their airways open, proper poses to prevent any injury, and wrapping techniques that keep baby supported during the session. Newborn photographers should also be CPR and First Aid certified. Most photographers who are holding their sessions in a studio carry liability insurance that protects everyone involved, especially your family, in the case that something does happen. Your little ones safety should always be the #1 priority. I know it is tempting to go with someone who may be more "affordable" but there is no price on making sure your baby is safe and well cared for during their session. Certain poses such as the one pictured above (known as "froggy", should ONLY be done by an experienced newborn photographer and as a composite.

sarasota baby photos
sarasota newborn baby
sarasota photographer

2) What if my baby does not want to sleep during a session?

Every photographer has a different practice in these situations, and while we all hope for a peaceful sleepy baby, sometimes that just doesn't happen. In that case, it is important that the photographer is experienced enough to be able to safely still continue with the session and does not put the baby in any props that may be dangerous if the baby is not sleeping. For my sessions, I have GREAT luck with getting babies to settle and sleep, however, in the case that they will not I will proceed with awake shots that can make for beautiful and hilarious collages as well as wrapped posing. There are a few poses that I can do while baby is awake un-wrapped as long as there is a spotter nearby. Finding a photographer who will not get frustrated or discouraged is very important! All of my sessions are baby led and I do everything possible to prevent as little stress to your newborn as possible.

baby girl in newborn prop

3) Do you provide props, wraps, and outfits?

To get the highest quality portraits possible it is important to use props, wraps, and outfits specifically designed for newborn photography. You want to make sure the prop is safe and will hold the baby well without tipping or collapsing. It is also important that they are the appropriate size to make sure that the baby is not able to move too much within the prop. The type of wraps used is also very important as they must be stretchy and allow for proper breathing and movement even while wrapped. The outfits used during newborn sessions are also typically designed to fit tighter to the body so they do not bunch up while also being stretchy to not restrict blood flow to the arms or legs during posing.

sibling with newborn baby
family newborn photo

4) Are family and siblings included in the session?

Not only do you want to capture every little detail of your fresh newborn, but you definitely don't want to miss out on those first family photos! These are the images that you will want to hang on your wall for years to come. They will never be this tiny again so having family portraits is SO special. While it can seem daunting to think about getting yourself and the rest of your family ready, some photographers, including myself, will provide hair and makeup as well as assistance with wardrobe for anyone else who may be in the photos. I promise the tiny bit of added stress won't matter in 20 years!

baby holding bear for newborn photos
dad and baby
tampa newborn baby
baby in basket newborn pictures

5) what age of baby are you COMFORTABLE photographing?

While the "ideal" age for photographing newborns is typically within the first 2-3 weeks after delivery, I have successfully photographed babies up to 8 weeks and completed a full newborn session at that age. However, not every photographer is comfortable photographing babies that are older than three weeks old so it is important to ask your photographer before booking. There may be personal or health reasons that delay your session and it's important for you to know ahead of time if they may not be willing to do the session if you miss that short "window". I have no problem with older newborns and have learned to modify my posing and techniques to get the best possible outcome. The session above was an 8 week old baby girl!

6) Do you provide hair and makuep or WARDROBE?

The last thing you want to do when you have been up all night with your newborn is worry about doing your hair and makeup for portraits. Finding a photographer that has inclusive services such as hair and makeup as well as wardrobe options can be truly life saving! You will be in survival mode, so take those things off of your already full plate. Not only will you have a better and stress free experience, but your photographs will come out so much better and be images you want to hang and enjoy for years to come.

baby smiling in newborn photo
tampa newborn baby

7) Where are you located?

While it may seem convenient to go with the closest photographer to you, remember, these are investments and images you can never get back. You will never be able to re-take those photographs and these are very special images that you want to be able to showcase and pass down for generations to come. Sometimes traveling a bit to find the perfect fit and experience is worth it. It is just a short period of time, and you want to make the most of your session. I frequently have clients travel 1-2 hours (or more) for their session and never regret it. It's important to consider options outside of your immediate geographical area and what value you may gain from just a little bit of travel.

Say HELLO! Have a question or would like more information?

Rachel Joan Photography

Serving the Tampa Bay Florida area